This is a photo of Patrick Mellen when he was young. bearded with a shaved head wearing a herringbone shirt

Patrick Mellen

Teacher and Founder of Balance Lab

Originally from Ohio, Patrick now lives with his husband in Brooklyn. He came to New York to be an actor and through that work met his teacher, Chloe Wing. Studying under Chloe, Patrick became a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique in 2012 through Alexander Technique International. Leaning into the meditation techniques also learned from Chloe, Patrick met MBSR and received his Certificate in teaching of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction through Brown’s School of Professional Studies in 2022.

His work at the intersection of the Alexander Technique (systematized body awareness) and mindfulness (non-judgmental awareness) experiments with the mind and body as the beginning (and end) of living with more ease.

As an actor, Patrick has appeared on Broadway, Off-Broadway, and in Broad City. He still uses his headshot from 2011 and acknowledges that this is not best practice.

how do I start? If you are looking to join the “Balance Lab Practice Club” start here! If you are looking for one-on-one lessons start here. If you want to meet with Patrick for a 15-minute chat on Zoom start here

is this for beginners? In a very real sense we are, all of us, beginners. If you have never practiced mindfulness or never heard of the alexander technique, check out this intro video here. tl;dr: beginners welcome

can I cancel my “Practice Club” membership? yes, at any time, it is your responsibility to cancel with squarespacE According to the terms and conditions

can I pause my subscription? sadly, squarespace does not allow this action - reach out for options or cancel and come back anytime!

what equipment do I need? Mostly curiosity, but you’ll access the space through zoom and you’ll need a bit of space to shift from sitting to lying down to standing (but only if you want to shift from sitting to lying down to standing)

do I have to have my camera on in classes? Not mandatory, but encouraged! having your camera on is at times helpful to the teacher, especially at the beginnings and ends of practices.

are the library videos captioned? yes, and if you have other resource needs that Balance Lab can support please reach out

can I buy a drop in class pass? Use the code XXX for a week of access, but Balance Lab is not able to support drop ins at this time

what are the qualifications of the teachers? Patrick is certified to teach the Alexander Technique through Alexander Technique International and he has been certified to teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction by Brown University’s School of Professional Studies (see more about Patrick below)

what are the risks? when invited to mindfully move, there is the risk of overstretching or going beyond one’s own boundaries - to mitigate these risks, invite yourself to move more slowly if this is the first time moving through any particular practice. when invited to practice mindfulness or the alexander technique, the risks involve learning one’s edges